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Han pasado muchas personas por mi carrera y me encantaría poder hablar de cada uno de mis alumnos, pero os aseguro que, aunque no puedo hacerlo, me acuerdo de cada uno de ellos porque con ellos he aprendido y sigo aprendiendo clase a clase. Por eso, quiero dar gracias....

Maylis 13años
00:00 / 00:33
Bénédicte Berbessou
00:00 / 00:47

Manon Barnes (UCL Graduate and Finimize Host) – England/ France

Neus had been recommended by my parents to me, as they believed she was the best language teacher they had ever had. And indeed she did not disappoint! Whenever I felt like I just needed a little more clarification or help in regard to my Spanish language studies, we would do a few classes together. Conversationally she is amazing as we will engage with natural flowing conversations at the beginning of the class and without noticing she is taking notes of all my mistakes. We’ll then go through this together, and she would have identified within the space of a 10-minute Spanish chat the areas of grammar or vocabulary that I am struggling with. It is rather impressive! Then we’ll either work on these areas or if I have a particular topic that I want to go through we will do that. She has a wonderful way of explaining grammatical concepts that are hard to wrap your head around. Compared to the many Spanish teachers I’ve had since the age of 6, she is by far the best teacher at explaining concepts in a way that makes you understand them, thus memorize them. Moreover, her ability to speak many languages is extremely helpful in terms of understanding vocabulary. Lastly, she instinctively gives you homework to work on in preparation for the next class, but if you had a certain topic that you also want to work on further, she would be very flexible with giving you material to work on that. Her flexibility in regard to your learning is really a great characteristic of her teaching. I can’t recommend her enough!

Bo Ljunggren – Sweden

Jag uppskattar den personliga undervisningen. Neus har förmågan att göra varje lektion underhållande och intressant. Hon har också ett stort tålamod och ett humoristiskt sinnelag.IV är mycket professionella i sin undervisning. Varje lektion är väl förbered och underhållande. IV är också bra på att anpassa nivån på undervisningen till elevens förmåga.

Rita Taskiran – Switzerland

Ich freue mich zu bestätigen, dass ich mit der Art und Weise des spanischen Sprachunterrichts meiner kompetenten Lehrerin, sehr zufrieden bin. Sie ist sehr geduldig, erklärt mir die schwierige gramatik anhand von Spielen und Übungen. Ihr persönlicher Lernstil ist sehr angenehm.

Ann Rooney USA

Classes with Neus are the real experience of learning with pleasure. I look forward to going to the café and spending one hour and a half with my teacher. She is motivating. She is interested and is interesting. She is 100% present. She make me think about and understand Spanish. She encourages self-study. Her class notes follow our class and are excellent revision notes late on at home. Her knowledge of French and English helps me tremendously. Her way of teaching in student-centered and I appreciate the “control” that translate a text, answer questions that came up during the week, remind me (a 100 times) how to ask or say things in a café, in the metro, in a shop…correct grammar exercises... I prepare and control my lesson. My teacher follows me in whichever direction I want to go with her getle help, corrections and endless patience. She adapts to me but with a rigour of her own that lends structure to each and every class.

Alistair Verdier – France

Classes with Neus are the real experience of learning with pleasure. I look forward to going to the café and spending one hour and a half with my teacher. She is motivating. She is interested and is interesting. She is 100% present. She make me think about and understand Spanish. She encourages self-study. Her class notes follow our class and are excellent revision notes late on at home. Her knowledge of French and English helps me tremendously. Her way of teaching in student-centered and I appreciate the “control” that translate a text, answer questions that came up during the week, remind me (a 100 times) how to ask or say things in a café, in the metro, in a shop…correct grammar exercises... I prepare and control my lesson. My teacher follows me in whichever direction I want to go with her getle help, corrections and endless patience. She adapts to me but with a rigour of her own that lends structure to each and every class.

Samina Samsie – Suecia/ Inde (F4E)

«Tu apprendras l’espagnol en trois mois », m’ont-ils dit lors de ma fête de départ à Bruxelles. « C’est une langue facile et en plus tu connais déjà le français ». Une semaine plus tard, je suis arrivée à Barcelone, avide d’apprendre, avide de parler et de comprendre… tout. Cela s’est avéré beaucoup plus difficile que je ne le pensais (et que mes amis ne le pensaient). A Barcelone, vous avez le défi supplémentaire du catalan qui est présent dans la vie quotidienne, par exemple dans les marchés alimentaires et les noms de rues – tous les mots ne sont pas familiers et vous ne pouvez pas faire la différence entre le catalan et le Castellano (espagnol). J’ai commencé à étudier, d’abord en petit groupe avec d’autres étrangers, puis en cours particuliers, et lentement mais sûrement, j’ai commencé à apprendre et à comprendre la différence entre « pan con tomate » et « pa amb tomaque », la différence entre « calle » et « carrer ». J’ai commencé à comprendre les structures verbales et la façon directe de parler par rapport à l’anglais (peu de gens disent « j’aimerais bien » en espagnol, c’est plus « Yo quiero »). J’avoue que les formes du verbe subjonctif m’ont longtemps troublée (et même maintenant quand je suis stressée, je fais des erreurs), mais ça y est, lentement mais sûrement, j’y arrive. J’ai décidé d’essayer de passer l’examen de langue espagnole de Cervantes (niveau B2). Des études intensives, beaucoup d’écriture (et de réécriture !) de courts essais, des verbes réguliers et irréguliers et l’apprentissage de règles grammaticales difficiles, j’ai finalement passé les examens (écrit, écoute et oral). C’était stressant et angoissant, mais j’étais si heureuse quand j’ai finalement découvert que j’avais réussi ! Un verre de cava de célébration plus tard et j’avais déjà prévu de continuer mes études pour le niveau C1 !

Pierre Gagnoud (Directeur Général de Edenred Espagne)

Neus est une grande professeure d’espagnol, la meilleure que j’aie jamais eue. Elle sait parfaitement identifier les lacunes linguistiques de l’étudiant et élaborer un plan de cours efficace pour les combler. Vous apprenez sans vous en rendre compte ! De plus, elle a une personnalité charmante, qui ne manque pas d’humour. Chaque cours avec Neus est un vrai plaisir !

Federico Bosisio – Italia

Arrivare a Barcellona è stato come ricominciare tutto da capo. La mia vita aveva già cambiato direzione diverse volte, ma non c'era mai stata una possibilità così chiara di raggiungere nuovi obiettivi in una realtà piena di opportunità. Una volta acquisito il ritmo di routine della mia vita professionale, mi sono resa conto di come la mancanza di una conoscenza approfondita della lingua locale avrebbe compromesso il mio sviluppo personale: l'incapacità di esprimere idee e concetti in modo chiaro di tanto in tanto può essere uno shock nell'affrontare una nuova realtà. Dopo qualche mese non ero riuscito a migliorare il mio livello di spagnolo, così ho dovuto chiedere il nome di una persona fidata, conosciuta per i suoi rapporti con gli stranieri e per le sue capacità tecniche e umane: mi è stato presentato Neus, la persona che più di ogni altra ha sostenuto il mio processo di integrazione sociale in Spagna. Infatti, non solo mi ha accompagnato nella scoperta della lingua, ma mi ha anche mostrato volti della sua cultura fino ad allora invisibili ai miei occhi. Le lezioni mattutine con Neus sono ancora per me uno dei momenti più belli del mio lungo soggiorno a Barcellona e il fatto di rimanere in contatto con lei dopo tanti anni non solo dimostra la sua qualità professionale ma anche il suo valore umano, senza il quale insegnare una lingua sarebbe molto difficile.

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